This is how the Install App dialog will look like once your App goes live.
WHERE TO NEXT?The freedom of the camper and motorhome to roam is one of the greatest pleasures of our past time. Some of us like to plan days and weeks ahead, others like to make their mind up on the day. However you choose to plan or not plan - there is always an App for that.In the case of our past time in fact there are THREE Apps you see most talked about. Camper Contact, Park4Night and SearchforSites.All have their protagonists so which one should you choose? Also remember that one of the best things about these apps are that entries and reviews are made by pretty much like minded people looking to enjoy their hobby so they can be pretty accurate.Next up, is a comparison table showing which products have which features, to give you a sense of which App does what.Camper ContactRecently updated to a new platform to improve speed and I know a number of people have had problems logging in to the new App as it requires you to reset your password. Definitely worth persevering as it has a huge number of filters you can instantly access. Need to search by maximum length of vehicle allowed or looking for a service point then CamperContact is for you. Does not resize properly on a Tablet but can be expanded to a larger size. Reasonably intuitive to use once loaded, can be a little slow to start up.Park4NightReasonably easy to navigate and has one very nice feature which is that you can input a trip between two points and then search for the type of site you would like to stay at along that route. It has one other BIG plus - it lists over 170,000 places in its database - - around 5 times as many as either of the other two apps.SearchforSitesBy far the most professional looking and slickest of the Apps. Sized correctly for tablets and phones, easy filtering to get to a stopover or a campsite. Not as easy to filter on very specific items such as if you really just wanted to empty your toilet or search by internet access.